So, on account of the idle status of our blog for the past weeks, we'd like to share a few words:
Firstly, the what-for of our inactivity was the result of our vacation to Bali (and by that we mean Clayne's internet's vacation to Bali). Why doesn't Eaven simply blog, you ask? We go about our posts as a 75 year old couple goes about grocery shopping: without the husband's feta cheese and the wife's crisp all organic spinach leaves, the salad is not-a-go.
With that said, we'd like to take the initiative to formally introduce ourselves as though you're probably (not) wondering who is behind the wit of these posts (or attempted wit, at least).
There is Eaven, she's the kinder one, sparing mercy to all bad-news-fashion victims. And then there's me, Clayne, the not so nice one (although I try to be), you can usually tell when it's me by the overuse of commas and parenthesis. And when it's Eaven, by the friendly more welcoming words and less reckless punctuation. Nonetheless, we are the two and only writers behind the blog. Feel free to follow us on twitter, email us feedback, or simply read our blog.
Firstly, the what-for of our inactivity was the result of our vacation to Bali (and by that we mean Clayne's internet's vacation to Bali). Why doesn't Eaven simply blog, you ask? We go about our posts as a 75 year old couple goes about grocery shopping: without the husband's feta cheese and the wife's crisp all organic spinach leaves, the salad is not-a-go.
With that said, we'd like to take the initiative to formally introduce ourselves as though you're probably (not) wondering who is behind the wit of these posts (or attempted wit, at least).
There is Eaven, she's the kinder one, sparing mercy to all bad-news-fashion victims. And then there's me, Clayne, the not so nice one (although I try to be), you can usually tell when it's me by the overuse of commas and parenthesis. And when it's Eaven, by the friendly more welcoming words and less reckless punctuation. Nonetheless, we are the two and only writers behind the blog. Feel free to follow us on twitter, email us feedback, or simply read our blog.